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Feedback and Actions from March 2024 Consultation

Click on the pdf document above to read all the comments received and the actions taken by the Steering Group.

​​​In addition, the Steering group has also noted comments made by those who attended the drop in session in April and these have also been actioned. You will see that the document is in A3 format and runs to 22 pages plus a cover page. We would urge you to read this on line but if you need any assistance please contact us on

We are currently working on the second draft which will go out to formal consultation, hopefully at the beginning of January.

Please see below the insert to the village newsletter that has been sent out with the autumn newsletter to explain next steps.

In addition to the changes above, we are also amending the Design Codes Document and will post the new final version when it has been approved by the Steering Group and AECOM Technical Services, the body contracted to our funder Groundworks that produced it originally.

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